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We will be on vacation and running with minimum staff through the 30th of September. After the 30th we shall resume normal business hours and shipping times. Thank you for your understanding.
Magically Magnetic Photo Frames & Paint by Lytle Products



Use dry erase markers with these high quality write and wipe labels to magnetically label warehouse shelves, racks and parts bins. Easily change your labels with a swipe of your hand or a cloth rag and re-write your new label with any standard write and wipe or dry erase marker in any color. Use over and over for cost-saving shelf markings.

For a more permanent, rub-resistant marking, use a sharpie pen on these labels. The marking will dry permanently, but can be removed easily with denatured alcohol and a rag.

List price: $56.25

6" x 9" - 25 pack of Write and Wipe Dry Erase Magnet shelf labels


6" x 9" - 25 pack of Write and Wipe Dry Erase Magnet shelf labels


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